Superintendent of Defences Report, 1864 - Item 3


Part of Superintendent of Defences Report, 1864

Superintendent of Defences Report, 1864 - Item 3
To better represent the accuracy of this document we have differentiated the categories listed on the report with hyphens. The order goes as follows: "names of owners" - "name of slaves" - total number of days worked - the total amount of money owed to the enslaver. In circumstances where the owner is listed multiple times the total amount owed is listed following their last enslaved individual. The total amount of funds paid for each day of labor was $1 per day.
"L. B. Windham - Sam - 26
[ditto] - Tom - 26 - Total=46.00
Dempsey Williamson - Columbus - 17 - Total=17.00
R. H. Marr - Larkin - 8
[ditto] - Tim - 8 - Total = 8.00
Mrs. A. Inge - Sam - 17 - Total=17.00
John S. Fitch - Nelson - 11 - Total=11.00
Col. Thomas Murphy - Caleb - 31 - Total=31.00
S. M. Stafford - Ansen - 10 - Total=10.00
Dr. Jas. Guild - Hilliard - 21 1/2
[ditto] - Thornton - 14 1/2 - Total=36.00
Oliver Keen - Samuel - 19 - Total=19.00
Benj. Whitfield - Alfred - 28 - Total=28.00
Jas. Phifer - Bill - 27 - Total=27.00
M. Findley - Collins - 12 - Total=12.00
Mrs. O. S. Prince - Wash - 20 - Total=20.00
J. S. Taylor - Jack - 8 - Total=8.00
Michael King - Jack - 8 - Total=8.00
J. Collier Foster - Warren - 15
[ditto] - Bob - 10 - Total=25.00
Mrs. E. W. Foster - John - 4 - Total=4.00
C. S. Bealle - John - 14 - Total=14.00
Isham Robertson - Dave - 18 - Total=18.00
J. L. R. Foster - Henry - 13 - Total=13.00
T. A. Hargrove - Charles - 5 - Total=5.00
James M. Jack - Green - 1 - Total=1.00
S. A. Wilson - William - 7 - Total=7.00
J. N. Allen - Nick - 6 - Total=6.00
James Haly - Peter - 12 - Total=12.00
T. J. Nangher - Jobe - 9 - Total=9.00
Est. of E. McMath - Sam - 3 - Total=3.00
James Ward - Thomas - 4 - Total=4.00
S. W. Frierson - Tom - 5 - Total=5.00
Thomas Frierson - Milton - 5 - Total=5.00
R. P. Frierson - John - 6 - Total=6.00
Est. of James Gray - Dick - 4 1/2
[ditto] - Thomas - 1
[ditto] - Tom - 4 1/2 - Total=10.00

I, Bennett Burks, State agent and Superintendant of the Alabama University defences certify that the forgoing statement of the time each hand of labored on said defences is correct.
Given under my hand the 23rd day of January A. D. 1864
Bennett Burks
agent and Superintendant"