University Repair Fund Balance Sheets - 1853


Part of University Repair Fund Balance Sheets

University Repair Fund Balance Sheets - 1853
Due to the nature of record keeping several of the document's entries use the standard ditto sign (two small marks indicating repetition) or other duplication mark. To help readers easier, wherein the author used these marks, we chose to either exclude or note them with [ditto] in our transcription. In cases of the month and date, for instance, we note only changes from the previous entry. This item, in particular, includes both accounts for the improvement and repairs fund (the larger document on the right side) and the contigencies fund (the smaller document on the left side) from 1853, as the two are archived together. We have chosen to start the transcription below with the improvement and repairs fund for consistancy with the other records in this item set.
Improvements and Repairs

"University of Alabama
Improvements and Repairs
In a/c with Henry A. Snow and Co.
July 23 Cash paid for hauling sand $2.10
26 [ditto] Spiller for pick axe 1.00
29 1000 shingles 3.00 1000 feet lumber 12.50 [total] 15.50
1000 lattles 1.25 150 feet poplar lumber 2.25 [total] 3.50
8 [unreadable] hair at 25e [total] 2.00
August 1 2 chrome yellow 1.25 5 1/2 brown .62 [total] 1.87
3 lamp black .60 4 [unreadable] .50 [total] 1.10
3 [unreadable] 2.25 5 umber 1.50 [unreadable] [total] 3.75
5 burnt umber at 25 [total] 1.25
1 1/4 Prussian blue [at] 1.50 [total] 1.87
4 Terra de Scenna [at] 25 [total] 1.00
10th yellow stone ochre [ditto] 2.50
4 Ivory black [ditto] 1.00
1 [unreadable] screws .88
6 3rl nails [at] .10 [total] .60
Paid a Glascock for hauling 4.46.150 [total] 5.95
[August] 6 3 galls alcohol 3.45 [at] 2 buckets 1/80 1/50 [total] 5.05
[August] 9 2 whelewash brushes at 1.95 [total] 2.50
1 hair broom 1.25
To Doct. Smith 2 W. W. Brushes 1/200 2/250 [total] 7.00
[ditto] T. Brown 2 [unreadable] 1/100 1/150 [total] 2.50
Pd Mrs. Shortridge plasterer 12 days 15.00
[August] 10 D. West for hauling 14.00
Mrs. Sommerville plastering 18.00
2 barrels .50 14 1/2 putty 8 at 1.16 [total] 1.44
32 [unreadable] laud paper 1.12
24 glue 6.00 12 sugar 1.00 [total] 7.00
1.2 blue [unreadable] .38 12 rosin .75 [total] 1.13
14 lithage [at .25 each] 3.50 10 umber [at .25 each] 2.50 [total] 6.00
1 [unreadable] skin .40 6 [unreadable] cups .60 [total] 1.00
[August] 13 1 iron 10/12 glass 3.50 drayage .40 [total] 3.50 [and] .40
[August] 16 Paid Mrs. Ann K. Owen Sandys home 6.74
[August] 25 [unreadable] .80
To Morrison 20 lumber [at .30 each] 6.00
To cash Peterson and Turner bill 37.00
[ditto] Wm. B. Roberson 1m bricks 6.00
39 gallons [unreadable] acid at 1.25 [total] 48.75
[August] 30 1 bck 10x12 glass 3.50
Sept 5 2 paint brushes 1/100 1/75 1.75
To Doct. Morrison 6 paint brushes 5.40
[Sept] 6 paint brushes [at] 1.25 10 chrome yellow [total] 7.50
[Sept] 12 4 lethages 100 2 qts laud paper .45 [total] 1.75
[Sept] 13 4 galls spts turpentine [at] 1.25 [total] 5.00
[Sept] 14 6in [unreadable] .50 2 [unreadable] screws 1.00 [total] 1.50
[Sept] 23 4in lethage 1.00 1in lamp black .20 [total] 1.20
[Sept] 24 Paid 3 boys 3.00 Pd LeRoy 5.00 [total] 8.00
[Sept] 26 laud paper .10 [for 28] 1 [unreadable] 2in screws 1.00 [total] 1.10
[Sept] 28 4in lethage 1.00 4 16in plank 5.20 [total] 1.00 and 5.20
carried over $66.38 $214.79


"Contingences amt from Doct Manly 81.48
Im / Repairs app 1000.
Library standing app 200.
Hire and board of servt [ditto] 220
Min Geo and Chem viz.
For pur of Metrological Instruments 100.
Fossils already obtained 261.17
Chemicals 60.00 [Sum] 421.17
[Total sum] $1922.62

[unreadable] amt of accounts Oct 1/53
Contingences 137.48
Im and repairs 274.54
Library 153.00
Hire and board of servt 11.00
Geological department 300.69 [Sum] 876.71
in hand $1045.94

Oct 1 to credit this date
Im and repairs 725.46
Library 47.00
Servants 209.00
Geo department 120.48
[Total] $1101.94
Balance to deduct of contingences 56.00
[Total] 1045.94"