University Repair Fund Balance Sheets - 1851-52


Part of University Repair Fund Balance Sheets

University Repair Fund Balance Sheets - 1851-52
Due to the nature of record keeping several of the document's entries use the standard ditto sign (two small marks indicating repetition). To help readers easier, wherein the author used cases of the ditto mark, we chose to either exclude or note them with [ditto] in our transcription. In cases of the month and date, for instance, we note only changes from the previous entry. The reader should also note that excluding the first six entries all relate to expenditures marked with "Paid" at the beginning of the entry.
"Repairs Fund 1851-2
University of Alabama, in acct. with B. Manly
July 5 Balance from last year's account Received $274.75
Amount on hand for iron-railings, Presiden'ts and Prof. Tuomey's houses 100
21 Amount of appropriation for iron railing and general repairs 1000
Oct. 4 Amount for painting the rotundo, observatory, etc. 150
Amt. of appropriations for water-room, pipe, etc. 250
Dec 1 Amt. of wages due to Boyle's labor, employed in personal uses 14.60

July 7 Paid Freeman Logan remainder bill on 14663 shingles $16.31
19 T. J. Bealle, bill of freights 9.23
July 23 Edinborough, colored drayman, for hauling 1000 bricks (no voucher) 2.50 no voucher
Miss Mary S. Drysdale for work of carpenter William 22.48
Mrs. I. A. Pratt, for work of William, as per bill 45.16
30 Freeman Logan for 4000 shingles, on Prof. Staffd's out-houses 14
Aug 2 Levi Williams for 50 bushels of lime 9.38
15 John Morrison for 46 [ditto] 8.62
Oct. 4 H. A. Snow and Co - bill of sundries 32.21
30 Prof. Stafford, bill of Robt. Hall for plastering his kitchen 14
Nov. 14 J. P. Boyle, amount stated in bill and receipt 7
Dec. 13 acct. of Peterson and Turner, black-smith's work 44.56
acct. of Peterson and Turner 2.00
Jan 1 Thos. S. Johnson for lumber, as per bill .84
3 Missers. H. A. Snow and co, bill of sundries 6.75
[ditto] Findley and Ellyson, bill of lumber 11.20
5 Wm. Van Arsdale, N. Y. bill of paints etc. 2$1.57
permission on bill of exchange on N. Y. 1.40
10 B. F. Morrison for 4 mo. service of his man Moses 48
G. D. Purcell, bill of lumber 1. 32
Daniel Gorree, bill of lumber 11.10
bill of V. Hart, and Missers. Maxwell, painter's materials .50
Missers. Drish, for India rubber shoes to protect laborer on high ladders 6.50
26 Richard H. Hainner for cypress poles for long ladders 6.50
March 4 Robert Hall for 2260 bricks 16.50
15 Thos. Lesesne, Mobile, for 1 sheet of copper 2.90
29 Steamer Isabella, freight on [ditto] .50
bill of Missers. Cornell and co, iron railing, etc. 513.53
April 3 account of H. A. Snow and co - sundries 26.03
J. P. Boyle, for board of servt. Ben, till date 18.60
8 J. P. Boyle, hire and bored of man, Wm, 1 month to May 3 16
12 Steamer Hervine, freight of 8 boxes, iron-railing, etc. 40
13 G. A. Parker, for 1 bush. quick-lime-plastering Rotundo .35
19 J. G. Gwin, bill for whitening, varnish, etc. - Rotundo 29.44
May 14 C. Morrison, druggist, for 1 paint brush .25
June 1 J. P. Boyle, hire and board of man Wm, 1 month to June 3 16
June 12 Amos Briggs for use of paint-grinder, several times 1.65
16 J. P. Boyle, wages ($40 a month) from Apl. 30/51 to July 8/52 527
July 1 account of H. A. Snow and co - sundries 59.13
Received $1789.35 Expended $1879.53"