University Repair Fund Balance Sheets - 1850-51


Part of University Repair Fund Balance Sheets

University Repair Fund Balance Sheets - 1850-51
Due to the nature of record keeping several of the document's entries use the standard ditto sign (two small marks indicating repetition). To help readers easier, wherein the author used cases of the ditto mark, we chose to either exclude or note them with [ditto] in our transcription. In cases of the month and date, for instance, we note only changes from the previous entry. The reader should also note that excluding the first six entries all relate to expenditures marked with "Paid" at the beginning of the entry.
"Account with the Fund for Repairs, 1850-51
July 6 Balance from last year Received $12.39
Sept. 12 Recd. amt. of appropriation this year 1200
[ditto[ amt. appropriated for banister and railing, President's house, and the house of Prof. Tuomey 100
May 3 Credit by amt. of labor and materials in painting two washstands, for self 2.50
11 Recd. from M. Tuomey for labor in setting a cooking range 13.75
16 Credit by labor of Boyle in making a black-board for B. M. 4.62
July 15 Paid J. P. Boyle, for work etc. - as per bill 22.02
16 Jos. W. Turner, Smith's work 15.50
Oct. 1. H. A Snow and co for materials used in improving exterior of Rotundo 4
Smith's bill for grates, put into dormitories 22
17 J. P. Boyle for sundry repairs and improvements in dormitories by contract 90
J. P. Boyle - materials and work in refitting a receitation and study room for the use of Prof. Pratt 21.50
Nov 6 Jacob Ray for 72 [unreadable] of lime at 16 2/3 12.00
Dec 23 John Little for sawing a number of china logs into lumber 11.68
24 Mrs. I. A. Pratt for 6 1/2 days' work of William, flooring Prof. Tuomey's study 10
31 H. A. Snow and co - Smith's work 33.11
[ditto] sundries, as per bill 36.05
Jany. 4 Danl. Gorree, bill of lumber 41.83
Jos. W. Turner, Smith's work 19
23 J. P. Boyle, wages for three months due this day 120
Feby. 19 J. P. Boyle, sundries as per bill 7.98
March 6 [ditto] sundry bill, amounting to 3.13
G. H. Baker, bill of lumber 10.57
April 3 H. A. Snow and co - sundries 3.56
9 Mrs. Isabel A. Pratt for work of Willm. Carpenter 57 days 87.69
19 Danl. Gorree, bill of lumber 33.40
21 Freeman Logan on acct. of shingles delivered 35
23 J. P. Boyle, wages for 3 months 120
[ditto] for board of hired man, two months till 29th instant 10
May 30 Jos. P. Turner for half a gross of drawer knobs, minl. cabinet 1.50
31 Mrs. I. A. Pratt for labor of William 23 1/2 days including May 23 36.15
June 14 Jos. Shelton for labor of Edward 12
Fred Walker, for labor of Toby coloring the buildings 8.25
18 J. P. Boyle, furnishing keys in the President's room .50
J. P. Boyle for board of hired man Moses, to date 7.50
27 A. Lynch for scantling to support the floor of the Rotundo 1.40
Hauling this lumber .50
V. Hart, for sundries, as per bill 7.35
July 1 B. F. Morrison for hire of servant Moses from Feb. 28 to June 16 - 3 1/2 months at $12 a month 42
H. A. Snow, sundries, as per bill 71.34
Received $1333.26 Expended $958.51
Due to repairs $274.75
[ditto] railings 100.00
E.E. B. Manly
Univ. Ala. July 4. 1851
Examined and deemed correct
S. M. Stafford
Geo. Benagh"