University Repair Fund Balance Sheets - 1846


Part of University Repair Fund Balance Sheets

University Repair Fund Balance Sheets - 1846
Due to the nature of record keeping several of the document's entries use the standard ditto sign (two small marks indicating repetition). To help readers easier, wherein the author used cases of the ditto mark, we chose to either exclude or note them with [ditto] in our transcription. In cases of the month and date, for instance, we note only changes from the previous entry. The reader should also note that excluding the first two entries all relate to expenditures marked with "Paid" at the beginning of the entry.
"University of Ala. in acct. with B. Manly
Repairs Fund
Decem. 16 By balance in hand from last year Received $65.87
Jany. 3 By appropriation received from the treasurer Received $750.00
Feby. 27 Paid C. M. Foster for 10 kegs of lead and 10 galls oil, in Mobile 32.25
Frieght on the above, done by steamer 1.50
28 George Baker, bill of lumber for repairs 50.46
March 2 William Sutton, for shingles delivered under contract 100.00
April 9 Freeman Logan, for shingles delievered under contract 65.25
April 13 Wm. Sutton [ditto] 59.75
June 18 Mrs. Isabel A. Pratt, 1 months hire of William and Edward 45.00
26 Dr. James Owen, 1 month's hire of Willis 30.00
July 6 H. A. Snow and co, bill of nails, and sundries 57.01
18 Mrs. I. A. Pratt, 1 month's hire of William and Edward 45.00
25 Dr. John Owen, 1 month's hire of Willis, to date 30.00
William P. Barnell, for furnishing meals to Willis, 2 months 10.00
John W. Bealle, for sills to support the Cupola of Lyceum 5.25
M. F. Goodman, for painting Cupola, 3 coats 7.75
Willis and Moses, for furnishing themselves meals, 1 month 10.00
August 18 Mrs. I. A. Pratt, 1 month's hire of William and Edward 45.00
25 Moses for finding his own meals, 1 month in advance 5.00
September 18 Mrs. I. A. Pratt, 1 month's hire of William and Edward 45.00
October 3 Freeman Logan, on account of shingles delivered 10.00
8 Freeman Logan, in full, for 31, 450 shingles 30.53
10 Dr. James Owen, 1 month's hire of Willis, to Aug. 25
G. D. Purcell, bill of lumber for repairs 7.50
Augusten Lynch, bill for lumber for repairs 4.74
15 Wm. P. Barnett, steward, for hire of Moses, in vacation 23.00
24 R. Whiting, for 1 box of tin, and work, in roofing cupola 17.50
H. A. Snow and co, bill of sundries, for repairs 13.90
26 Wm. Sutton, on account of shingles furnished 20.00
Novem. 2 Wm. Sutton, in full, for 74, 671 shingles 70.00
Decem. 10 V. Hart, for supplying gutters to roof of buildings 11.45
Overdrawn, Dec. 14, 1846 by this amount 68.47
Received $884.34 Expended $884.34
The subscribers, as a committee of the faculty, appointed for the purpose, have examined this account; and they hereby certify that every item, which admitted of a voucher, is properly vouched, and that the calculations are correctly made.
W. P. Richardson
J. G. Dockery"