Letter from William F. Ball to President Garland, Dec 11, 1864


Part of Letter from William F. Ball to President Garland, Dec 11, 1864

Letter from William F. Ball to President Garland, Dec 11, 1864
"Eutaw Greene Co Ala Dec the 11th /64
Dr. L. C. [page torn]
President of the
University of Ala.

Dear Sir
I shall expect my boy Billie home by the 25th of this month. Will you please be so kind as to send me the money due for his hire by him. I hold a note to the amt of $200.00 for the year of 1863, and interest making the note now $216.00, and I have a letter from Capt Gibbs with your name annexed as President agreeing to give $250 as for the present year making in all $466.00 you can keep this letter, or Mr Thomas Livis will give you a receipt where you give the money to Billie
I will send you the note by first of opurtunity

Very Respectfully
W. B. F. Bell"