Landon Cabell Garland letterbook transcripts, vol. 1, 1862-1863


Part of Landon Cabell Garland letterbook transcripts, vol. 1, 1862-1863

Landon Cabell Garland letterbook transcripts, vol. 1, 1862-1863
"Dr. Drish,
I have enquired into the matter of the chairs; and was informed that your man John carried them away.
I have hired the hands we need.
I am Very Resply Yrs.
L. C. Garland

The University of Ala. Has this day hired of Mrs. Comegys. the following slaves at the rates stipulated, for the year of 1863, viz.
1. Boy York, one hundred and twenty dollars, with food and lodging, but without clothes.
2. Boy Wash, on the same terms.
3. Boy Lewis, on the same terms.
4. Boy Dan, one hundred and fifty doll’s with food & lodging but without clothes.
5. Girl Sally, one hundred dollars, with food and lodging, but without clothes.
The University is to pay for these slaves quarterly, and Dan is to have two weeks in the summer vacation to visit his wife.
Mrs. Comegys is to clothe all the slaves in a manner becoming their respective occupations -& to furnish them with their necessary bedding.
The said slaves are to be returned on the twenty fourth day of December rent.
In witness where of the undersigned as Superintendant, has affirmed his signature this 1st day of January 1863.
L. C. Garland
Supt. Unty. Of Ala."