Second opening notice in the Southern republic


Part of Second opening notice in the Southern republic

Second opening notice in the Southern republic
University of Alabama,
The regular annual term of the University of Alabama commenced on
Monday, the 4th day of October, 1869,
under the auspices of the following competent and efficient
Board of Professors:
..........................., President and Professor of Mental and Moral Science.
Rev. J. Def Richards, Professor of Natural Sciences and President, pro tem.
J. C. Loomis, A. M. Professor of Ancient Languages.
Maj. R. N. Chambliss, Professor of Mathemetics and Modern Languages.
V. H. Vaughan, Professor of Logic, History, and Metaphysics .
Rev. W. J. Callans, Professor of Rhetoric and Oratory.
Col. W. K. McConnell, Commandant, and Instructor in Engineering.
The expenses of the term of nine months to each student will be $125, which includes board in the mess hall, tuition, fuel, room rent, and use of furniture and library.
For further particulars see circular, which is full and explicit, and can be found upon application to the Superintendent of Public Instruction, any member of the Board of Education, or any of the above named Professors of the University.
N. B. Cloud, M. D.,
President of the Board of Regents"