Jordan Madary Sworn Testimony, 1950


Part of Jordan Madary Sworn Testimony, 1950

Jordan Madary Sworn Testimony, 1950
March 9, 1950
Rights Holder
Tuscaloosa County Probate Records
"State of Alabama
Tuscaloosa County
Before me, J. R. Beale, a Notary Public in and for Tuscaloosa County, Alabama, personally appeared Jordan Madary, who, being duly sworn, deposes and says as follows:
My name is Jordan Madary. I am over the age of twenty one years and have lived in Tuscaloosa County, Alabama, for many years. I was the owner of the Jordan Madary Subdivision at the time it was subdivided. I had owned this property for many yaers having obtained it by deed from my mother, Betsy Madary in 1907. My father was known both as Peter Pratt and Peter Madary. He was deeded this property in the year 1869 in the name of Peter Pratt. He deeded a portion of the property then obtained to Ellen Wood in 1883 using the name Peter Madary. My mother called herself Betsy Madary. Peter Pratt and Peter Madary were one and the same person. Betsy Pratt and Betsy Madary were also one and the same person.
signature of Jordan Madary
Sworn to and subscribed before me, the undersigned authority, on this 9th day of March, 1950.
signature of J. R. Beale
Notary Public in and for Tuscaloosa Country, Alabama

State of Alabama, Tuscaloosa County. I certify that this instrument was filed on the 24 day of March 1950 at 3 o'clock and recorded in Book 303 of Deed Page 281. Tax paid -
Chester Walker, Judge of Probate"