Peter Madary's Will, Dec. 1883


Part of Peter Madary's Will, Dec. 1882

Peter Madary's Will, Dec. 1883
December 1883
Rights Holder
Estate Papers,, 1800's-1930's; Author: Alabama. Probate Court (Tuscaloosa County); Probate Place: Tuscaloosa, Alabama
"Tuskaloosa Ala Dec 1882

I, Peter Pratt, colored, being of sound mind, and desions of providing for the disposal of my wordly posessions, in the event of my death, do hereby make my last will and testament.
After paying any just and lawful debts that I may be owning, it is my direction that all of my property, real and personal of every discipline, shall be given to my wife Betsy.
And I desire that Mr John Snow shall be the Executor of this will and the Administrator of any Estate; I direct that he shall have full powers to collect, compromise, buy, sell, invest, and to make any disposition of my property which he may deem advisable. and I further direct that he shall have full power to act, without the giving of bond as is customary.
In witness of the above I have hereunto set my hand this

[Second page unseen]
the [blank] day of DecemberEighteen Hundred and Eighty Two
Peter [his mark] Pratt
Witnessed in the presence of the undersigned to whom Peter Pratt acknowledged that the contents for thsi paper wer known to him and that he signed it voluntarily.

WC Cochrane
W.F. Fitts Jr"