Peter Pratt's Death Announcement, Tuscaloosa Weekly Times, May 11, 1892


Part of Peter Pratt's Death Announcement, Tuscaloosa Weekly Times, May 11, 1892

Peter Pratt's Death Announcement, Tuscaloosa Weekly Times, May 11, 1892
May 11, 1892
Rights Holder
Tuscaloosa Weekly Times
"Peter Pratt, Deceased.
Notice of Application to Probate His Will.
State of Alabama, County of Tuscaloosa.
Probate Court, 3rd day of May, 1892.
This day was presented to said court for Probate, by Betsy pratt, wife of Peter Pratt, deceased, a paper purporting to be the last will and testament of Peter Pratt deceased, and the 24th day of May, 1892, was next appointed to hear and determine upon said application. And it is ordered by the Court that publication be made in the Tuscaloosa Times, a newspaper published in said county, for three successive weeks, requiring the next of kin of said Peter Pratt to appear before said court at the time aforesaid, and show cause, if any they can, why said paper should not be approved and admitted to record as the last will and testament of Peter Pratt deceased. Witness my hand this 3rd day of May, 1892.
W.M. G. Cochrane
Judge of Probate."