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Freedom Status
Work Location
The University of Alabama campus and dormitories
Basil Manly Diary III (1843-1848) image 87, July 2, 1846 (Jefferson building)
"My two Carpenters, William and Willis, with Moses & a boy as Laborers to assist, finished the Jefferson building. It was a high roof and they laid on 30, 750 shingles. On the two buildings they have used 5 kegs of 6d nails."
Basil Manly Diary IV (1848-1855), image 51, Dec 1, 1849 (Franklin building)
"William Pratt has been working on Room No. 4 Franklin, since mond morn 26 Nov, just completely a work: - taking down partitions and preparing it as a room for the meetings of the University Division of the Sons of Temperance. This, I will charge to the contingent fund."
Basil Manly Diary IV (1848-1855), image 62, Jan 18, 1850
"William and Edward came to work on the furniture of the hall of the Sons of Temperance, University Division, on friday, at noon, January 18 [1850]. They were taken away by Prof. Garland, for some work at observatory, on thursday January 24th. See page 49. They were not taken [?], but finished on Sat. afternoon. January 26 – making 7 ½ days. In all, two weeks, and 1 ½ days of actual work; - which, at the rate of $45 for 26 working days amounts to $23.36"
Basil Manly Diary IV (1848-1855), image 68, 1850 (fences)
"William, (Pratt) worked 6 ½ days in renewing the fence to the first part of the gardens of the officers; - viz from after breakfast of monday Feburary 25th to dinner time of monday Mar. 4th ~ $10"
Basil Manly Diary IV (1848-1855), image 70, April 4, 1850 (observatory)
"This evening at sundown, William Pratt left off work at the observatory. He has been at work steadily there ever since Prof. Garland went away."
Basil Manly Diary IV (1848-1855), image 139, June 24, 1851(repairs of Tuomey out buildings)
"This morning William Pratt and William Drysdale commenced to work on the repairs of the out buildings of Prof. Tuomey’s premises. One day and a half heretofore employed on this account by each of them are to be added to the next account, dating from this day.
This day and a half were taken out of the time in which they were employed about the furniture of the Trustees and not paid for in that account.
I find, from the reports of Carpenter William that a part of the floor of the rotunda is entirely unsupported; the sills, having no holds on anything, are hanging by the planks they were intended to support. They will need to be propped before company can be trusted in the building; requiring 24 pieces of scathing, 3 by 4, and four feet long"
Receipt for payment from B. Manly, The University of Alabama, to Isabel A. Pratt, December 24, 1850
Received, Tuskaloosa, Dec 24th. 1850. of B. Manly, ten dollars, in full for work of William in laying a wooden floor over the pavement in the study of Prof. Tuomey, (basement of the dwelling he occupies) i.e. for 6 1/2 days at the rate of forty dollars a month.
Isabel A Pratt"
RG001 – Acc 19801776 - Box 003, folder 3, items 4 and 5
4. “Will spent the afternoon of Oct. 15 16 1851 in fixing the Observatory Dome” signed by Garland. Attached to a receipt for “eighty cents in full of half-day's work of Carpenter William, adjusting the dome of Astronomical Observatory” from Manly to Isabel A Pratt.
5. Fund for the Astronomical Observatory 1851-2 mentions the same 80 cents paid William J. A Pratt for “half a day’s work of William on the dome of the observatory” on October 17, 1851
Task Performed
Basil Manly Diary III (1843-1848) image 87, July 2, 1846 (Jefferson building)
"My two Carpenters, William and Willis, with Moses & a boy as Laborers to assist, finished the Jefferson building. It was a high roof and they laid on 30, 750 shingles. On the two buildings they have used 5 kegs of 6d nails."
Basil Manly Blue Book (1842-1843), image 4, 1842
"Carpenter William began to work at University Jan 12th. Finished Sat. Feb 19. $56.25"
Basil Manly Diary IV (1848-1855), image 51, Dec 1, 1849 (Franklin building)
"William Pratt has been working on Room No. 4 Franklin, since mond morn 26 Nov, just completely a work: - taking down partitions and preparing it as a room for the meetings of the University Division of the Sons of Temperance. This, I will charge to the contingent fund."
Basil Manly Diary IV (1848-1855), image 62, Jan 18, 1850
"William and Edward came to work on the furniture of the hall of the Sons of Temperance, University Division, on friday, at noon, January 18 [1850]. They were taken away by Prof. Garland, for some work at observatory, on thursday January 24th. See page 49. They were not taken [?], but finished on Sat. afternoon. January 26 – making 7 ½ days. In all, two weeks, and 1 ½ days of actual work; - which, at the rate of $45 for 26 working days amounts to $23.36"
Basil Manly Diary IV (1848-1855), image 68, 1850 (fences)
"William, (Pratt) worked 6 ½ days in renewing the fence to the first part of the gardens of the officers; - viz from after breakfast of monday Feburary 25th to dinner time of monday Mar. 4th ~ $10"
Basil Manly Diary IV (1848-1855), image 70, 4 April 1850 (observatory)
"This evening at sundown, William Pratt left off work at the observatory. He has been at work steadily there ever since Prof. Garland went away."
Basil Manly Diary IV (1848-1855), image 130, May 19, 1851 (furniture)
Mr. Boyle, William (Pratt) and the hired man Moses, have been employed in making a piece of furniture for my room, together with a little attention to a case for papers, for that room obtained from the state house, - as follows: -
"Boyle and Moses, each 14 working days ending on tuesday night, May 20th - William, 17 days, to [?] May 23
Boyle’s work is worth $21.54
Moses’s [work is worth] 9.15
Williams is worth 26.15
Probably cost of material 8.16 whole cost $65.00...
William Pratt began working on the furniture for the trustee’s room, on Sat. May 24 early in the morning. The time employed on this is to be charged to the special appropriation for that object."
Basil Manly Diary IV (1848-1855), image 133, May 31, 1851 (Trustee furniture)
"William Pratt and William Drysdale began to work on a piece of furniture intended for the use of the room occupied by the trustees in my house. - The former works at $40 a month. The latter works at $24. Finished it mond evening June 23 whole time of work – William Pratt 20 days William Drysdale 20 days
Cost of the article – in work $49.23
[Cost of the article] (estimate) materials [H] 15.77
[Total] $65.00"
Basil Manly Diary IV (1848-1855), image 137, June 16, 1851 (boxes for Prof. Tuomey; observatory; Trustee furniture)
"At 2 o’clock on Mond. June 16. William and his assistant William Drysdale, went to work on Prof. Tuomey’s outfit; making boxes – for provisions, and fixtures. - Both worked on that till tues. about 2 o’clock.
The whole time occupied by William Pratt and William Drysdale, in working on the furniture of the Trustees, in 26 days for the former, 25 days for the latter. From this is to be deducted 1 ½ days for each, employed at observatory, for Prof. Tuomey, and at the Rotunda. Say that William Pratt’s time is 24 ½ days, and William Drysdale’s is 23 ½ to be charged to that account.
William Pratt’s wages, at $40 a month – 24 ½ days = $37.70
William Drysdale’s wages, at $24 [a month] - 23 ½ days = $21.70
Whole cost of work on furniture $59.40"
Basil Manly Diary IV (1848-1855), image 139, 24 June 1851(repairs of Tuomey out buildings)
"This morning William Pratt and William Drysdale commenced to work on the repairs of the out buildings of Prof. Tuomey’s premises. One day and a half heretofore employed on this account by each of them are to be added to the next account, dating from this day.
This day and a half were taken out of the time in which they were employed about the furniture of the Trustees and not paid for in that account.
I find, from the reports of Carpenter William that a part of the floor of the rotunda is entirely unsupported; the sills, having no holds on anything, are hanging by the planks they were intended to support. They will need to be propped before company can be trusted in the building; requiring 24 pieces of scathing, 3 by 4, and four feet long"
Basil Manly Diary IV (1848-1855), image 192, June 21, 1852 (book cases)
"William Pratt came to work for the university, frames for the wire gauze in front of book-cases, on Sat. June 12th, in the morning. He had worked before in refitting the seats in the Laboratory 3 days; - all of which are to be paid for, at the rate of $40, a month"
Basil Manly Diary IV (1848-1855), image 205, 1852 (Prof. Stafford's blinds and doors)
"William Pratt began to work for the University on Wed. Oct. 27 and continued till tues. night, Nov. 2nd. He was making a new arrangement of seats in Prof. Stafford’s room, - and mending blinds and doors. - He had worked 1 2/3 days before for which Mrs. Pratt had not been paid making in all 7 2/3 days, at $40 per [month] $11.80"
Horace S. Pratt (Professor of English Literature 1837-1840) and Isabel A. Pratt
Basil Manly Diary V (1847-1857) image 35, Aug 16, 1847 (college buildings)
"Mrs. Pratt’s people, William, Edward, and Jim came to work on the college buildings. For William and Edward I am to pay $45 per month – for Jim at the rate of $1.00 a day"
John Wood Pratt (Professor of English Literature 1850-1865 and son of Horace S. and Isabel A. Pratt)
Receipt for payment from J. W. Mallett, The University of Alabama, to John W. Pratt, circa 1855
"J. W. Mallet to
John W. Pratt Proctor D.,
To work of William in Laboratory 7 days $10.92
[ditto] Dudley - 1 day .75
[total sum] 11.67
Recd payt Jn W Pratt
John William Mallet was a Professor of Chemistry from 1855 to 1861.
RG005, Acc 19807808, Box 001, Vouchers. Bills and Receipts 1831-1859, Folder 12, item 2
Receipt for $2 payment from J. W. Pratt on Dec. 2, 1850 “being the amount paid by [him] to the Carpenter, William, for a table for my recitation room, in the North End of the Washington Dormitory.”
The University of Alabama
Faculty Minutes Record Book, Vol. 4, 1842-1854, image 41, June 16, 1842 (William to work for Prof. Brumby in the laboratory)
"Ordered that Prof. Brumby have leave to employ Carpenter William for a day, or longer if necessary, in making some fixtures and fastenings about the laboratory."
Receipt for payment from The University of Alabama to H. S. Pratt, March 8, 1839
"University Dr
To H. S. Pratt
To articles bot fr Profrs Brumbys Table
6 locks [at] 37 1/2 - $2.25
2 doz screws [at] 12 1/2 - 25
3 lbs nails [at] 12 1/2 - 37 1/2
4 knobs [at] 6 1/4 - 37 1/2
[ditto] brads [at] 12 1/2 - 12 1/2 [Total] $3.37 1/2
6 days work Wm [at] $2.50 - $5.00
5 [ditto] James [at] 1.25 - 6.25
5 [ditto] Wm in making three desks - 12.50
3 [ditto] James on [ditto] - 3.75
78 feet boards for desks [at] $2.50 - 1.95
168 feet for Profs Table [ditto - 3.12
3 days Wm for Prof Barnard [at] 2.50 - 7.50
3 [ditto] James [ditto] [at] 1.25 - 3.75
1 [ditto] Wm in making and glazing two sashes - 2.50
1 [ditto] James on same - 1.25
2 doz screws for Prof Barnards room - 12 1/2 - .25
[Total] $61. 19
Recd Payt
March 8th 1839
H. S. Pratt"
Basil Manly
Basil Manly Diary VI (1858-1878) image 65, March 24, 1863 (Pratt working on Manly's plantation in Tuscaloosa)
"William (Pratt) came to work on my fences and out buildings on Monday 23.
Up to this time, he has lost two whole days (one of which was for Mrs. Dr. Eddings) & half of two Saturdays. His wages are at the rate of $1.50 a day, as he himself says.
William finished work on thurs. evening, Mar. 26. I paid Mrs. Pratt 36 dollars, in full for William’s work. The lumber bought from Clements for this work cost $20.79."
Judge Collier
Basil Manly Diary V (1847-1857) image 39, Dec 25, 1847 (working for Judge Collier)
"William (Pratt) and Edward, carpenters, lost a fortnight working for Judge Collier; They also lost, for Christmas, from friday night Dec 24th - to thursday morning Dec. 30th. A month's wages will be due again on tuesday Jany. 4. 1848."
Contract Terms
Basil Manly Diary IV (1848-1855), image 198, July 27, 1852 (settled accounts)
"I settled with Mrs. Isabel a Pratt for William’s work in full, up to the close of this day – 41 days – counting out one day which he employed in the service of Gov. Collier – see page 190 – The amount for 41 days was $63.08 - at the rate of $40, for 26 days."
Receipt for payment from B. Manly, The University of Alabama, to Isabel A. Pratt, September 18, 1846
"Tuscaloosa Sep 18th 1846
Received from Dr Manly forty five dollars us the hire of William and Edward for one month
Isabel A Pratt"
Receipt for payment from B. Manly, The University of Alabama, to Isabel A. Pratt, September 17, 1841
Received, University of Ala. Sept. 17. 1841 of B. Manly seven dollars and fifty cents in full for work of Carpenters, William and James on the college buildings.
Isabel A Pratt"
Receipt for payment from B. Manly, The University of Alabama, to Isabel A. Pratt, August 6, 1849
Received, Tuskaloosa, August 6. 1849 of B. Manly one hundred and five dollars and fifty-five cents, in full for work of Carpenters William and Edward, rendered at intervals between the 19th of March and the thirty-first of July 1849.
Isabel A Pratt"
Receipt for payment from B. Manly, The University of Alabama, to Isabel A. Pratt, August 18, 1846
"August 18th 1846
Received from Dr Manly forty five dollars for the hire of William and Edward for one month, up to this date.
Isabel A Pratt"
Receipt for payment from B. Manly, The University of Alabama, to Isabel A. Pratt, July 18, 1846
Received, Tuskaloosa July 18. 1846 of B. Manly, forty five dollars, in full for one month’s wages of Carpenter William and apprentice boy Edward for one month, to this date.
Isabel A Pratt"
Receipt for payment from B. Manly, The University of Alabama, to Isabel A. Pratt, June 28, 1841
"Received, Tuskaloosa June 28th. 1841 of B. Manly for 14 days work of Carpenter William, about the University buildings, between June 7th and 22nd. the sum of twenty eight dollars, being at the rate of $2 per day.
Isabel A Pratt
Receipt for payment from B. Manly, The University of Alabama, to Isabel A. Pratt, March 17, 1842
Received, Tuskaloosa March 17. 1842, of B. Manly fifty six dollars and twenty five cents in full for 1 ¼ month’s labor of Carpenter William, at the rate of forty five dollars per mo. employed on the premises and in the service of the University."
Isabel A Pratt"
Receipt for payment from B. Manly, The University of Alabama, to Isabel A. Pratt, July 27, 1852
Received, Tuskaloosa, July 27. 1852 of B. Manly sixty three dollars and eight cents, - being in full for forty one (41) day’s work of Carpenter William, employed about the University, - up to the close of this day."
Isabel A Pratt"
Receipt for payment from W. Benagh, The University of Alabama, to Isabel A. Pratt, December 5, 1859
"Received from Mr Benagh twenty dollars for work done by William at the University.
Isabel A Pratt
Dec 5th 1859"
Receipt for payment from W. Benagh, The University of Alabama, to Isabel A. Pratt, December 25, 1859
"Received from Mr Benagh thirty dollars for work done by William at the University.
Isabel A Pratt
Dec 25th 1859"
Receipt for payment from B. Manly, The University of Alabama, to Isabel A. Pratt, 1851
"University of Alabama to Isabel A. Pratt Dr
1851 To 57 days of work of Carpenter, William, including monday, April, at the rate of $40. for 26 working days - $87.69
Recd payment of B. Manly. -
Isabel A Pratt"
Receipt for payment from B. Manly, The University of Alabama, to Isabel A. Pratt, May 31, 1851
Recd Tuskaloosa May 31. 1851 of B. Manly thirty six dollars and fifteen cents for twenty three and a half (23 ½) days’ work of Carpenter William, including friday May 23. - 1851.
Isabel A Pratt"
Receipt for payment from B. Manly, The University of Alabama, to Isabel A. Pratt, July 12, 1851
"University of Alabama to Isabel A. Pratt, Do
July 12. Work of Carpenter William - from May 24th to date - (omitting 4th July) - 42 days - $64.61
Credit by amt. recd for work done on the furniture of the session room of the Trustees - 19.45
now due - $45.16
Recd payment, in full, to date - of B. Manly
Isabel A Pratt"
Receipt for payment from George Benagh, The University of Alabama, to Isabel R. Pratt, 1860
"University of Alabama
In acco. with Mrs. I. A. Pratt
Nov. 26 To work of William this week 6 days
Dec. 3 [ditto]
10 [ditto] 4 days
17 [ditto] 4 1/2 days
24 5 1/2 days
Jany 7 [ditto] 6 days
15 [ditto] 6 days
22 [ditto] 5 days
29 [ditto] 6 days
Feb 4 [ditto] 6 days
11 [ditto] 6 days
18 [ditto] 6 days
25 [ditto] 4 days
Mar 3 [ditto] 6 days
10 [ditto] 6 days
17 [ditto] 6 days
24 [ditto] 6 days
31 [ditto] 6 days
April 7 [ditto] 6 days
14 [ditto] 6 days
21 [ditto] 6 days
28 [ditto] 6 days
May 5 [ditto] 6 days
carrid over 131 days
1860 Brot over 131 days
May 12 To work of William this week 6 days
17 [ditto] 6 days
26 [ditto] 3 days
June 2 [ditto] 5 1/2 days
7 [ditto] 5 1/2 days
16 [ditto] 5 1/2 days
21 [ditto] 4 days
[Total] 166 1/2 days = $291.37
Dec 3 By cash of Geo Benagh Proctor 20.00
24 [ditto] 30.00
Jany 23 [ditto] 30.00
Feb 4 [ditto] 20.00
18 [ditto] 20.00
Mar. 10 [ditto] 25.25
24 [ditto] 21.00
Apl. 7 [ditto] 21.00
21 [ditto] 21.00
May 27 [By cash of] Prof. J. W. Pratt 59.30
June 25 [By cash of] Geo. Benagh Proctor 23.82
$291.37 $291.37
Received the amounts above set forth of Geo. Benagh Proctor, on account of work done at the University by my negro man carpenter William
Isabel A Pratt"
Receipt for payment from W. Benagh, The University of Alabama, to Isabel R. Pratt, February 20, 1860
"Received from Mr Benegh twenty dollars for work done at the University by William
Isabel A Pratt
Feb 20 1860"
Receipt for payment from George Benagh, The University of Alabama, to Isabel R. Pratt, April 7, 1860
Received of Geo Benagh Proctor [unreadable]. Twenty one dollars for hire of William at University for two weeks ending this day.
Isabel A Pratt
April 7. 1860"
Receipt for payment from W. Benagh, The University of Alabama, to Isabel R. Pratt, March 12, 1860
"Received from Mr Benagh twenty five dollars for work of William at the university -
Isabel A Pratt
March 12th 1860
This recpi okd be for $25.25
G. B."
RG005, Acc 19807808, Box 001, Vouchers. Bills and Receipts 1831-1859, Folder 11, items 2, 4
2. Receipt for $140 payment to Isabel A. Pratt on May 22, 1841 "for wages of Negro Carpenters, William and Jim, from the 22nd day of March to this date."
4. Receipt for $20 payment to Isabel A. Pratt on June 28, 1841 for "10 days work of Carpenter William, between May 22nd and June 5 1841..." Rate was $2 per day.
RG010, Acc 20061831, Box 001, President's Reports 1838-1864, Fifth Annual Report 1842:
"Two servants have been hired, for the service of the Dormitories; the same that were employed last year, and at the same rates; viz, $162.50 for William, the servant of Miss Drysdale; and $137.50 for Peter, the servant of Mrs. Pratt. The hire for the first quarter of this year was paid out of the Contingent Fund in the hands of the faculty. When the second Quarter’s hire became due, it was apparent that, after procuring the requisite amount of fuel for the Winter, the contingent fund could not pay the residue of the hire. To miss Drysdale, therefore, is now due $121.87; and to Mrs. Pratt $103.12.
A part of the Carpenters’ tools belonging to the University have been this year sold to Mrs. Pratt; viz. 1 Raising plane $4, 1 sash plane $2, 17 pieces of planes $9, 4 augers $2, 1 framing square $1, 5 chisels $1.50, 1 gauge .50, 1 spoke shave .50, making a total of $20.50, to be subducted from the amount due to Mrs. Pratt."
RG 005, Acc 19807808, Box 002 - Vouchers. Bills and Receipts 1860-1867, Folder 17 –University Vouchers. Bills and Receipts. 1864
"Univ. of Ala to I. A. Pratt
Dr To wages of William for 47 3/4 days at $1.50 per day to July 5th/64 $71.62
The [unclear] is correct [signed] James T. Pearce Septm 12
Jno Gibbs
Capt and QM
U of A
Red payt Jno W Pratt"
Works with
Basil Manly Diary IV (1848-1855), image 140, 1851
"William & William closed their work at University on Sat. evening – July 12th”
William Pratt’s time runs from Sat. May 24th - see page 128
omitting 4th of July as a holiday, 42 days $64.61
He was paid on account of furniture, session room 19.45
Due $45.16"
Receipt for payment from The University of Alabama to H. S. Pratt, March 29, 1839
To H. S. Pratt
To work of William and James making sashes and glazing for Mr Whitefield - 2 days each - $7.50
6 days William making desk and book case - $15.00
4 [days] James on same - $5.00
" materials for same - $3.00
" glass [unreadible] and Whitefields bill - $3.38
Rec payt [Total] $33.88
Tuscaloosa March 29th 1839 - H.S. Pratt"
Receipt for payment from B. Manly, The University of Alabama, to Isabel A. Pratt, June 18, 1846
Received, Tuskaloosa June 18. 1846 of B. Manly, forty five dollars, in full for hire of Carpenter William, and apprentice Edward, for one month, to this date employed at the University.
Isabel A Pratt"
Peter Madary
Additional Records
Receipt for payment from B. Manly, The University of Alabama, to Isabel A. Pratt, January 11, 1841
"Received, University January 11th. 1841 of B. Manly, one hundred dollars, out of of the contingency fund in his hands, to complete the amount necessary for servant hire for the university, for the year 1840."
Isabel A. Pratt, Administrator of the Estate of H. S. Pratt
Receipt for payment from The University of Alabama to Peterson and Turman from B. Manly, January 28, 1853
"1852 University of Ala Dr to Peterson and Turman
Feby 25 To making stand for pump pr Boyle 1.50
July 22 To 12 pr for grate [ditto] 3.00
Augt 7 To 12 [ditto]
[Aug] 28 To 32 [ditto] 8.00
Nov 5 To 24 hooks pr (Wm Pratt colrd) 6.00
[Nov] 10 To 24 grate hooks pr Boyle 6.00
[Nov] 13 to 4 [ditto] Extra work 2.00
To 3 wedges for college bell .38
To 1 hook and thumble 1.00
[Total] $30.88
Received by the hand of Dr. Basil Manly payment in full of the above acct.
January 28th 1853
[signed] Peterson and Turman"