Freedom Status
Original Location
President's Mansion, Univeristy of Alabama, Tuscaloosa
Work Location
Basil Manly Diary V (1847-1857) image 370, Oct 12, 1854 (Traveling with Sarah Manly to her father's home)
"My wife and servt Levi started to Lowndes county this morning. Father Rudulph is very low, and seems sinking gradually to his rest. - Time must show when my wife can return.
She returned Sat. Oct. 21. Her father, mother, and sister, (with servts Jim and Fanny) accompanying her."
Basil Manly Diary V (1847-1857) image 371, Feb 12, 1855 (Traveling with Sarah Manly to her father's home)
"Father, mother, sister, brother, - and two servants Jim and Fanny, started this morning for Lowndes co. Father had been ill, and had not yet ventured out. They set out about 10 ½ o’clock; and, by a letter from Burwill, they had got on comfortably as far as Frieson’s by 1 ½, -11 miles: and they were still proceeding further – to Carthage – or some place below."
Stephen Hart
Basil Manly Diary V (1847-1857) image 136, March 25, 1850
"Young Mr. Hart came this morning and took Fanny on an understanding that he is to have her service for her victuals and clothes. - His name is Stephen, I think; he was married by me a year or two since to a young lady, by name of McCullough, sister of the wife of L. W. O’Nealle."
Basil Manly Diary V (1847-1857) image 190, Jan 20, 1851
"Stephen Hart, residing with his father, has my little girl Fanny – and her services are considered to be worth no more than her victuals, clothes, and lodges which he is to supply or pay – as the case may be"
Linked resources
Items with "Parent of: Fanny"
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