

14 months on arrival at UA in 1842
Birth Date
November 10, 1840
Basil Manly Diary II (1834-1846) image 277, Jan 11, 1842 (Hetty's arrival in Tuscaloosa)
"I find that my good old Father Randulph has sent me 5 servants, old & young – viz – Jack 51 years old, Molly 49, Lydia 21, Ben 13, & Hetty, child of Lydia, born Nov 10th 1840. These servants are a part of my wife’s portion of his estate."
Freedom Status
Living Location
President's Mansion, The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa
Charleston, South Carolina
Basil Manly Diary V (1847-1857) image 419, Oct 6, 1856 (sick with dropsy)
"Set out on a journey to Alabama – to look after my interests about Tuskaloosa. ‘God grant me “a prosperous journey’ according to his blessed will. -
Returned safe and well - (thanks to the Preserver of men!) on Sat. Morn. Oct. 25. -
I brought two little girls, Julia and Fanny, with me. I would have brought Hetty also, but she is diseased with dropsy, - and could not undertake the journey."
Child of
Basil Manly (Second President of the University of Alabama 1837-1855) and Sarah Manly
Mrs. C. E. Clitheral
Basil Manly Diary V (1847-1857) image 131, Dec 22, 1849 (hired out to Clitherall)
"The same time I sent Hetty to Mrs. C. E. Clitherall, for a year on the same terms. - I furnished both with a new blanket, and with shoes, clothing in abundance &c. - and the hires are to return them to me clothed in like manner, at the expiration of a year."
Mr. Augustin Lynch
Basil Manly Diary V (1847-1857) image 185, Dec 26, 1850 (hired to Lynch)
"Hetty went to stay with Mr. Augustin Lynch for a year from this day, at 25 dollars. Lynch is to feed and clothe her; and pay her taxes &c - and to pay me, as above. - Her clothing, as stated in a list sent me by Mrs. Clitherall is as follows
2 new colored domestic frocks
2 new chemises – 1 old not worn
1 new petticoat – 4 not broken, of old stock
1 white apron
4 colored aprons – all good
2 calico frocks, nearly new
2 old calico frocks -
1 under coat
1 pair of new shoes – has had in all 3 pair. -
2 combs – blankets, and bed-clothes."
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Items with "Parent of: Hetty"
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Items with "Sibling of: Hetty"
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