Receipt for payment from the Comptroller’s Office to C. D. Connor (Charles D. Connor) Receipt, November 18, 1837


Receipt for payment from the Comptroller’s Office to C. D. Connor (Charles D. Connor) Receipt, November 18, 1837
"Tuscaloosa 18th Nov. 1867
The Comptroller of public amounts will issue his warrant on the Treasury in favor of Charles D. Connor superintendant of University building for eight hundred dollars for the purchase of coal and servant hire to the college payable out of the University funds
[signed] Ch D Connor
The above coal was furnished and servants hired at the request of the Faculty.
[signed] A. Woods
W. D. Stone
Resident Trustee

Comptroller's Office
Nov. 24th 1837
Rec'd the comptrollers warrent on the State Treasury in full for the above account.
[signed] C D Connor"