Receipt from the Trustees of the University to A. Boreysson, May 16, 1837


Receipt from the Trustees of the University to A. Boreysson, May 16, 1837
"The Trustees of the University to A. Boreysson Dr.
To three college servants from April 6 to May 6. $60.00
To Jas. M. Murphey for work on a window of the laboratory } 4.15
[Total] 64.15

May 16 1837. University. The above account for $64.15 is correct. [signed] A. Woods

C.C. Clay
Comptrollers Office
16th May 1837
Recd. thru comptrollers warrant on the State Treasury in full for the above account on the University Fund.
[signed] A. Boreysson"