Receipt from The University of Alabama to A. Boreysson, March 10, 1837


Receipt from The University of Alabama to A. Boreysson, March 10, 1837
"The University of Alabama to A. Boreysson Dr.
To three loads of coal, 45 buckets each, at 25 cts - $33.75
To hire of three servants to attend on the three dormitories for 1 month, ending March 6, at $20. a month for two and $25. for one } 65.00
To repairs of grates by brick mason - 4.00
Total, (one hundred and two dollars and seventy five cents) $102.75
March 10th University of Ala.
The above account for $102.75 I certify to be correct. [signed] A. Woods

[signed] W. D. Stone
Comptrollers office
10th. March 1837
Recd. thru comptrollers warrent on the State Treasury in full for the above account
[signed] A. Boreysson"