Landon Garland, First Annual Report, 1856 (Death of Isaac)


Landon Garland, First Annual Report, 1856 (Death of Isaac)
Rights Holder
The University of Alabama Libraries W. S. Hoole Special Collections

RG010, Acc 20061831, Box 001, President's Reports 1838-1864, Landon Garland, First Annual Report, 1856
"I regret to state that the University servant Isaac died on Saturday, the 14th of June last, of a pulmonary affection, after an indisposition of about two months. He was industrious and trustworthy, and his loss is seriously felt. The Board will please direct the policy of the faculty, in regard to supplying his place, - whether by purchase or hire. From the commencement of his attack to the present time, we have hired a servant to discharge his duty, who costs us $15 per month, independent of his board.”

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