Landon Cabell Garland letterbook transcripts, vol. 2, pt. 2, 1863-1864


Landon Cabell Garland letterbook transcripts, vol. 2, pt. 2, 1863-1864
May 10, 1864
Wash and York punished
"Supts Office
May 10, 1864

Mr. Shawner
Steward of Unty

My Dear Sir.
The report of Mess Hall to-day contains the following complaints, viz:
Wash –Disrespect of Cowen Reporter Sgt. Vaughan
“Not bringing provisions when ordered same
Preston –Laziness as waiter same
“Hesitating to bring provisions when ordered same
York –Breaking petition Reporter Ropermore
“Neglect to send Cadet Browder his supplies, according to requisition by O. D. –and re-fused to do so, when reminded to the neglect just before Tattoo Reporter Off. of the day"