Landon Cabell Garland letterbook transcripts, vol. 1, 1862-1863


Landon Cabell Garland letterbook transcripts, vol. 1, 1862-1863
December 9, 1862
Crawford hired at UA - he is a drummer in the Cadet Corps
"Yr. Facoris rec’d –and in reply I am prepared to offer you’re the same hire for Crawford the ensuring year that we have paid you the present.
Slaves are not hiring in this vicinity as high as they did last year because of the number brought into the neighborhood by refugees from the border states. Nevertheless, as we are satisfied with Crawford, we will not propose to abate the price we pay for him.
You may draw your hire monthly, or quarterly as you prefer. Please let us hear from you at once as we are making arrangements for another year.
I have the honor to be
Yr. Obt. Svt.
L. C. Garland"