Landon Cabell Garland letterbook transcripts, vol. 1, 1862-1863


Landon Cabell Garland letterbook transcripts, vol. 1, 1862-1863
June 15, 1863
Gabe and Neal “hired as musicians to the Alabama Corps of Cadets”
"Head Quarters
Unty of Alabama
Jun 15, 1863

The bearers, Gabe & Neal, belong to Mrs. Watson of Montgomery and are hired as musicians to the Alabama Corps of Cadets.
The Corps is at present dispersed by furlough – and I have allowed Gabe and Neal one month for visiting their relatives in Montgomery.
They will return on the 15th July.
They have relations also in Mobile and they desire to go to that place. I have no objection to their doing so.
They pay their own expenses.
L. C. Garland
Col. & Supt. Ala. Corps Cadets"