Receipt for payment from B. Manly, The University of Alabama, to Morgan, Chambers, and Company, December 5, 1853


Receipt for payment from B. Manly, The University of Alabama, to Morgan, Chambers, and Company, December 5, 1853
December 5, 1853
"$1300 - Tuskaloosa, Dec. 5. 1853 -
Received of the Trustees of the University of Alabama, by the hands of Basil Manly, thirteen hundred dollars, being in full for the purchase of one negro man slave, named Isaac, about twenty five years of age; - the right and title to said slave, we hereby warrent and defend against the claims of all persons, whatsoever; and like wise, we hereby warrent him to be sound and in good health, both of body and mind.
As witness our hand and seal, at Tuskaloosa, Alabama, the day above written.
Morgan, Chambers, and Co. (seal)
Witness Henry A Snow"