University Advertisement in the Tuscaloosa Observer


University Advertisement in the Tuscaloosa Observer
October 7, 1865
"University of Alabama
The University is prepared to receive students, and to accomidate them as comfortable, and to instruct them as thoroughly, as at any former period of its existance. The expenses are as follows:
Bored, per month, including lodging and fuel, $20.00
Washing [ditto] 2.00
Lights, (four students to a room,) per month .75
Servant's hire and fires in public rooms, [ditto] 1.00
Tuition, per month, 10.00
Total, per month, $33.75
By order of the Executive Committee,
L. C. Garland, Prest. of Univ.
The Mobile Daily Register, Selma Daily Messenger, Montgomery Daily Advertiser, and Greensboro Beacon, will insert for three weeks, and send bills to Dr. L. C. Garland, President of the University."