Death Date
July 3, 1864
Landon Cabell Garland letterbook transcripts, vol. 3, pt. 1, 1864-1865, image 31, July 4, 1864
"Head Quarters
Unty of Ala.
July 4, 1864
Mrs. Neilson
My Dear Madam
The University has had the misfortune to lose the services of Arthur, one of its barrack hands, who died last night.
I can hear of no servant likely to supply his place in a satisfactory manner, but your servant who accompanied your late and even to be lamented son to the army of Virginia.
[32] The situation is a very pleasant one - & the work very light. Candor compels me to say that it is one very apt to corrupt a slave because of the [1 word illegible]…he has to make money for himself - & few stand the ordeal.
If you are disposed to hire your boy to the Unty please make known to me your terms.
I have the honor to be with the highest regard,
L. C. Garland
Prest. & Supt."
Freedom Status
Work Location
University of Alabama campus barracks
Barrack hand
Currently unknown
Possibly L. M. Minor
RG 005, Acc 19807808, Box 002 - Vouchers. Bills and Receipts 1860-1867, Folder 17 –University Vouchers. Bills and Receipts. 1864
"Svts Fund Uniy of Ala,
July 1864
To L. M. Minor
1/2 year hire of sv't Arthur $100
Dr. Read's a/c 18
[Total] $82
Received Payt July 19th 1864
T. P. Lewis agt"
The University of Alabama